Monday 8th July The Ship Inn, West St., Oundle 6:45pm start.
Enjoy the ever popular, light-hearted and slightly challenging Fringe Quiz! Great prizes and raffle!
Teams up to a maximum of 6 people. Tables will be reserved for ticket holders.
It’s always a good idea to buy tickets in advance and avoid arriving at the last minute as teams take up tables for the prompt start of the Fringe Quiz at 6:45pm. The pub menu has a good choice of food and refreshments for those who wish to arrive a bit earlier and purchase a bite to eat.
Fringe Quiz winners and raffle prizes are presented at the end of the evening.
There will also be the answers & prize-giving at 6:15pm for the Fringe Treasure Trail competition. Entry forms for the Treasure Trail are available at Fringe events from the 4th-7th July.
Fringe Quiz Tickets – £5 per person online (select Book Now below) or £5 p.p. at the door.