The Fringe are putting on a pre-Fringe fundraising event the ‘Oundle Fringe Festival Ceilidh’ on Saturday 18 May 2024.
7.30pm Queen Victoria Hall, West Street, Oundle PE8 4EJ
After a day of vintage festival excitement (more at festival website here:, you are invited to come to the Fringe Ceilidh in vintage costume if you wish and dance to toe-tapping tunes from Five String Thing. No experience needed, caller Chris Sanders will guide you through all the dances. Oundle Fringe Festival 2024 has joined forces with the Vintage Festival to provide a wonderful evening Ceilidh event in the Victoria Hall. Everyone is welcome, so dust off your dancing shoes and get ready for a fun night of dancing. If you’re not sure of the moves, worry not, Five String Thing and their expert caller Chris will make sure your arms and feet go in the right direction!
Tickets £12 online (button below)
Bring your own refreshments/drinks